is defined in the following way: to join together; integrate, to become
united, to establish a rapport or relationship, or to be logically
ordered; coherent. By combining Key-Connections products and services
with a commitment to consistent practice, a person will experience
a deepening sense of connectedness with oneself, with the people one
is in relationship with, and with the universe that sustains us. Some
of the specific forms of connections that can be explored include:
Connections Leveraging daily experiences to strengthen
and connect the mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects
of each individual resulting in expanded, experience-based self-awareness. |
Connections Consciously connecting the cause-and-effect
relationship between beliefs, thoughts, feeling, actions, circumstances,
and results. |
Connections Connecting and integrating personal passions,
priorities, and capabilities with professional goals. |
Connections Raising awareness about the ways each
individuals work impacts an organizations customers,
directly or indirectly. |
Connections Connecting personal purpose, priorities,
goals, and capabilities with the organization's purpose, vision,
plan, and results. |
Team Connections Connecting and aligning leadership
roles, responsibilities, perspectives, ideas, and capabilities
in service of the customer and the overall organizations
plan. |
Connections Connecting the wisdom inherent in naturally
sustaining systems with the planning processes we use to guide
personal, professional, team, and organizational goals and performance. |